Your Purposeful Life with Adrian Starks

Giving Aging a Rebrand: The Future of Lifespans and Optimal Health with Julian Hayes II

Adrian Starks Episode 128

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In this episode, Adrian Starks interviews Julian Hayes II, an executive health and performance advisor, about his journey and his work in helping people achieve optimal health. Julian shares his shift in career path from aspiring to be a doctor to focusing on health and performance. He introduces the concept of generational health and emphasizes the importance of mindset in achieving optimal health. Julian also explains the role of epigenetics in health and how it can be influenced by lifestyle factors. He discusses the future of health, including precision medicine and the need for a shift towards preventative care.

In this conversation, Julian discusses the importance of giving aging a rebrand and recognizing it as a disease. He also talks about his work with high-stress individuals and how he helps them manage their health using new technologies. Julian emphasizes the need for baseline measurements and personalized health approaches. He highlights the impact of quality sleep on emotional intelligence and overall well-being. Julian encourages individuals to build a foundation for optimal health and balance success with health. He also discusses the power of visualization and acting as if to achieve desired outcomes. Ultimately, Julian believes that living a purposeful life involves growth and fulfillment.


  • Aging should be recognized as a disease and given a rebrand to promote preventative measures.
  • Baseline measurements, such as blood work, are essential for tracking and improving health.
  • Wearables, like fitness trackers, can provide valuable insights into sleep quality and overall health.
  • Quality sleep is crucial for emotional intelligence and overall well-being.
  • Balancing success and health requires treating health as a system and making it a priority.
  • Visualizing and acting as if you are already the person you want to be can lead to desired outcomes.
  • Living a purposeful life involves growth and fulfillment.


Guest: Julian Hayes II

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adrian_starks (00:01.178)
welcome back everyone to your purpose whole life podcast i'm your host adrian starks and it is here where we're helping you to shape your purpose your way today we have a special guest on and his name is julian hays the second julian welcome to our podcast and community my friend

julian (00:16.64)
if going adrian it is thank you so much for having me on i'm looking forward to this and i think one of the previous episodes said you kind of had like a super hero name i agree that sounds like a super hero name

adrian_starks (00:29.978)
thank you so much and thank you for listening to the episode i have to think about that for a second i got to do something with that because people keep saying that that's wow okay all right so speaking of super hero and let's talk about what you're doing for people in helping save lives literally so we're gonna get into your bio here a little bit but for our listening today julien has the second he's an author and executive health and performance advisor advisor and the founder of executive health and an autitya think that's how you pronounce it right is tat how you said

julian (00:43.46)

julian (00:59.2)
there you go there you go little french tell yeh i could i could somebody gave me that name and so i didn't i didn't come up so said hey you're an ell and i was like what what so i had to practice it so so i went to the google translate because you know and so i was like tell then i kept practicing and practicing it before i felt comfortable to write it anywhere

adrian_starks (01:01.738)

adrian_starks (01:18.558)
i had to go to google and was like google is how to pronounce this make sure i do it right we're gonna get back to you here julian but for our members today and our listeners make sure you go to our your purposeful dot life website and it's there we can listen to the most recent episodes scroll down that page join our p community we got a lot of great things coming out weekly episodes and also to join our you tube channel your purposeful life with adrian stark subscribe and hit that notification bell with the purpose because it's there wherei'm putting all the full videosyall i'm not putting to

julian (01:20.5)
uh uh

adrian_starks (01:48.338)
anywhere else i'll put snippets here nd there but you get the full video that you get to comment and real time with me and even the guests so go join that youtube channel back to our guests of the hour julian hays this second i just told you a little bit about him here there's so much he's packing with what he's doing so julian hays here has done a lot with helping people with their health and he has a phrase that i really love there's generational wealth and there's also generational health and i was like

oh we got to talk about that but let's get more into what julian is doing here julian acts as a co of your health where he monitors your health so you can maintain your edge and status and he's also all about helping people live a powerful hy performing life at the age of seventy sixty we can go back and say fifty forty because he truly believes that as we get older we can actually get younger biologically you don't have to age nor america you can age but not biologic

so i really like the fact that he's taking this approach with his purpose he's also the host of the executive health and life lastly he's written three hundred plus articles with the majority published in the world's largest publications such as get this everybody ink entrepreneur success and many more now if that doesn't say much about his credibility i don't know what does this is why julian's on the show today julian welcome my friend

julian (03:15.4)
appreciate it man appreciate it and it's it's a blessing to have the opportunity to do those things and it's a blessing to be here

adrian_starks (03:23.438)
well it's a blessing to have you here and i love to talk about the person behind what they do so we're going to get right into this here obviously you're very well establish in your highly successful and helping people with their health and personal lives but i like to know about what i call the human mess or the human journey and how things came to be in how this purpose that you're doing now came out of it as i was doing little bit of reading about you you did have a purpose before this and that was to become a doctor and optomologist and you found yourself in school and in

julian (03:40.42)

julian (03:51.02)

adrian_starks (03:53.318)
kin doing some things what happened julian caused you to kind of shift gears here a bit and just say wait a minute i want to go this route instead

julian (04:01.78)
yeah so i'm from nashonill tennessee and i was in new york from medical school so that's two totally different regions in the us right and so i wasn't really used to the city so i had a initiation process put it lightly now i think i fancy myself a city boy now a little hybrid now you know but back you know back to that question though is that when you're in new york city and you're going to cafes you're going to you're going to lounges you're not going to class a lot

adrian_starks (04:07.678)
all right yeah

julian (04:31.24)
because you're just watching videos online at two and three so you can have more fun in the city you meet a lot of people and everybody has big dreams apparently everybody s writing the next great novel they're working they're going to be the next they're goin to be the next denzil they're going to witehthregetting on broadway they're doing all these big dreams and everything and i was like man i want that i want to feel that because for me i'm like yeah its medical school it's chool you know you get a white code it's a it's a it's a guarantee of a certain amount of money most cycal

adrian_starks (04:56.098)

adrian_starks (05:01.978)

julian (05:02.12)
it's prestige and everyone supporting me with this because i first generation so i have the backing of everyone i'm the golden child i can do no wrong at this point and but as i go out and i remember specifically i'm in the lower east side of the place called the ucabar and i'm having a capardinia and there's a girl there she's kind of cute um i think on t date because i was really fascinated by her store

adrian_starks (05:25.918)
m m

julian (05:31.24)
and her journey of how she combined something that she's skilled at something that she likes but she combined it with her life style as well and i was like well she was very fulfilled and i never really considered fulfillment in my life i've only just considered having to be successful having to get this thing having to get that thing and there's benefits to that but there's really no joy and fulfilment that i had and so i go to my anatomy exam and i'm sitting there it's like a three hour test and i got a protean ship

and everything i'm that guy shaking the protein up because you know at that time we got worried about games right and some of the other students are looking at their sweating they're nervous probably at the example i'm looking up and i'm like man i don't think i belong here i was like i got the issue you know and i was like oh i'm not just going to quit right now so let me feel me let me write this in mester let me write this in mester out so i come back home and i have this like a movie man touch moment where it's like midnight an o cal in the morning

adrian_starks (06:03.018)
m m

julian (06:31.64)
i go upstairs i look out the window i just put my hands on my waist and i'm like yeah i'm not going back i don't know hat i'm going to do but i'm not gonna go back i'm going to i'm going to do something something related with health and so i say that and then i want everyone to be excited because i think i found my purpose in my passion or at least i'm starting to progress more toward it and the only thing i get is doubt and fear from people because i what are you doing entprenerwhat that's a folktail in my side of the thing

adrian_starks (06:38.078)

adrian_starks (06:42.578)

julian (07:01.2)
go get a job for security and comfort and then that's that's a good life not this risk stuff so um you know so i do that and i started personal training at a gym i'm getting paid peanuts um end up working at a call center so i'm getting yelled at during political surveys so from a year's time i was medical student living the life in new york to now paying peanuts at the gym

adrian_starks (07:01.698)

adrian_starks (07:08.318)
m hm

julian (07:31.42)
and at a call center getting cussed out about political surveys people are questioning me like or or are you doing in everything so you do this for a while and you really grow in this time you really like you really grow in this time and you really learn about yourself and so over the course of time to kind of fast for this is that it's a continual evolution i start to get into writing and i start to kind of continue my exploration into health and human

adrian_starks (07:37.278)

adrian_starks (07:41.018)
m hm

julian (08:01.18)
forment on myself and i figure other people may like it as well i find mentors to teach me different things to continually evolve and then at some point i talk to people sometimes during my podcast and everything and i learned like oh i think there's a need and i think this will be a valuable service i think it may take a little time i might be a little early like some of some of the cryptos out there might be a little early but maybe about twenty twenty five twenty twenty six i think this is the way if this is the way the future is going and so that's kind of what i think about

adrian_starks (08:23.518)

julian (08:31.42)
with health right now and so presently now i'm in the health space but it's you know i'm leveraging technology i'm leveraging so many different unique test and modalities that's concerning aging and longevity and performance and so it's u s been it's been a journey but it's ultimately feeding curiosity and that's been the ethos of who i am as a person his curiosity just leading that guide me

adrian_starks (08:32.958)
m m

adrian_starks (09:01.098)
wow what a story i just had a dejavoomoment when you mentioned the call center because you and i share something had come and i worked in a call center i did that for about eight years and you do you find yourself you're like what is happening here but then you grow beyond that environment i love what you talked about how you found yourself in a different transition you had that moment of epiphany you're like what do i really want to do i think that's where the purpose of our lives comes from is just not just finding it but deciding what we wanted to be and that some

julian (09:09.18)

adrian_starks (09:30.838)
pressive now you find yourself moving into this health industry now what caused you or what attracted you about optima health this idea of living longer

julian (09:40.22)

julian (09:43.68)
yeah a little bit of a i'm kind of a rebel so i don't like when i didn't like when people say you now julian you're not going to be in this great shape when you get past thirty and you're not gonna be looking like this when you past thirty and i was like i was like oh man i wish you didn't say that you know because and so i just in my head i just i'm kind of competitive and so in my head you now i got this on there right and so

adrian_starks (09:48.918)
m hm

julian (10:13.14)
i'm thinking about that and i'm like that doesn't make sense also it doesn't make sense um the average life expectancy is in the seventies right now it's going down a little bit i have an uncle who's almost a hundred he doesn't know anything about biohacking our health so i'm like okay this guy got to a hundred and he's been through like famine and wars and all sorts of things i got technology and knowledge why am i not thinking about expodentially this doesn't make sense on a practical level and so the first thing is like aging

adrian_starks (10:39.978)

julian (10:43.64)
had this horrible reputation because when you think about aging you think about some one that's colder all the time they always got to have the heat up more the colder their joints are more achy they can't move as fast it's all this negative stuff stuff or seven way i didn't like it you know to me age can be wisdom you have experience now you know i think somebody like look brian i'm more of a man the jordan camp jordan to the best player my eyes but anyway okay but you got a bran like

adrian_starks (11:00.798)

adrian_starks (11:08.158)
i agree with you on that i'm not gonna argue with you on that one

julian (11:13.42)
seven thirty eight i forgot how it is right now he's probably to five and then beat steal right now and probably top two or three when he really wants to turn it on and he shouldn't be doing that quote on quote because he's getting older but what he has now is wisdom he know he has and then he's leveraging also technology because the world is continually evolving and so to me it made no sense to two

adrian_starks (11:16.138)
i don't know how old he is

julian (11:43.64)
not my curiosity just just had to drive me here i needed something that was more of a challenge i got i got bored also a little bit with just the um white lost ninety day weight loss programs and everything that's not really differentiating yourself and as i and also from a business perspective i i don't have an instagram i've never really been drawn to that kind of world and another factor is a multitude of factors

i m so my father was sick and then my grandfather was sick and so i started to notice a pattern that certain things certain illnesses more illnesses ran on on my side of the family whereas other families they didn't have those things but they had other things that ran along there so that got me involved in the world that genetics and epigenetics and one thing led to another you started talking in different scientists you learned about different ways that we age and you're like okay so i can piece these things

together you know you have a lot of scientists they're not realy people people no offense to him but they're not really the best people people so i'm like i'm like in the middle i can be a brow but i could also be a scientist so i like i can take all these things and create my own unique thing and plus i love super heroes and i always want o feel like a super hero so i'm like i'm like batman in my head i think like batman batman is he's just a man but he has all these different gadgets and tools and technology and that's kind of the way i look at health right

adrian_starks (12:47.018)

adrian_starks (12:54.118)
there you go

adrian_starks (13:05.758)
i could see that

julian (13:13.1)
now is that we can be our very own bad man

adrian_starks (13:16.138)
wow that's be your nickname julian bet men he is the second i could see that that's definitely that's awesome i love how you talk about finding the need for something there's a gap and that's a problem with a lot of things that's a problem that you have a problem there's a gap between what you want and what you can't have because of a lack of knowledge so you're filling that gap right now with this health perspective and i love how you said i don't like how people talk about getting gold is a bad thing because we have heard that over

julian (13:18.7)
uh uh

adrian_starks (13:45.878)
over again away till you get up an age you won't be doing that no more why not if we look at all the other cultures around the world they have a pretty long life span and we look at how they live they're able to retain information they're able to have fun move around and for me this inspires me because my goal was to be a centurion i want to live to be a hundred i don't know that will happen but i'm going to focus on making trying to make it happen but the driving point is for someone to ask

julian (14:12.72)

adrian_starks (14:15.978)
why would you want to live that long and the question i would say is why not you know we live in a time now where everyone is wanting just to to i think henry david there said this we're just living people are just living to die you know living in quiet desperation right and that's what a lot of people are doing right now living in quiet desperation but now your focusing on something that's very different julian which is the optima health which i love what is the most overlooked aspect that you

julian (14:29.92)

adrian_starks (14:45.818)
belief of achieving optima health for people out there

julian (14:52.12)
i know we hear this word a lot but it's really your mindset it's really your mind set i know that's not the most sexiest of answers but i've seen it so many times where you have all these different you have these wearables now you have these peptides you have these different vitamins and supplements neutropics and all these things and sometimes people want to limit this bill you want all these things but it's like i

adrian_starks (14:56.218)

julian (15:19.46)
if you don't have the mind set these things are not going to be a use because these things a lot of these things here are only effective if you have that foundation in store you know and so here putting the cart before the wheel i forgot that saying putting the cart yeah the cart before the horse yeah they're putting the cart before the horse with that and so it's really their mind set it's really changing their parade of what they think about aging changing their parados what they think is possible and also

adrian_starks (15:33.238)
the carpet for the horse yeah

julian (15:49.44)
the reason why i say mind set is because you will be surprised at the amount of people that will give some resistance maybe not even intentionally but just because they're just program to think that way when you say like yeah i'm gonna be forty peak performing maybe running marathon maybe doing some lifting jiu jitsu o all these things as well ah no problem you know i'm gonna be having these adventures um yeah i look forward to being eighty and having two or three generations behind me and where i'll just doing some activities

adrian_starks (16:09.898)

julian (16:19.22)
i'm not just seeing i'm not just seeing my great great grand kids you know i'm actually running around with them i'm participating with them you know they look at you like you're crazy and i experienced this when i first started this whole journey back when i first left school is that you have to learn sometimes you got to move in silence or you have to be very mindful about who you share certain things with because they're just not ready to receive it and at that time when it's such a new goal and it's kind of like a baby it's very free

adrian_starks (16:34.798)

julian (16:49.28)
so at that time you can't just share this with everyone because you're still vulnerable about it and so that's what i learned i had a lot of doubt placed on me that i had to work through it was from other people's fears that ere placed on me and so that's why i say what this aging thing is to think about your mind set first to really think about what does optima health look like to me what does that feel like how do i look you know my most optima self how am i dressing how am i moving how does my skin look who who am i with what activities in

adrian_starks (17:02.438)

julian (17:19.28)
i really paint this picture because there's going to be days just like in business life or relationships where it's going to be crappy you're not going a want o do things you're going to want to revert back to other things but if you got this picture in your head that's going to help you cause you know okay i'm enduring right now because i have this thing that i'm working toward have this image that i'm living in my head right now and so that's why before you get involved in any of the tactical stuff i say start with your mind

adrian_starks (17:21.118)
m m

adrian_starks (17:49.158)
start with the mind first and you're right the mind set is sort of a buzz word that people use a lot but it's actually a very effective word because we can't do anything without the mind and that's where you're really driving this home for us today is that if you want optima health you have to really paint the picture for us and ask the question what is the blue print for you for the list yeah

julian (17:53.9)

julian (18:09.72)
and if and another thing is i don't know if people are to the law of attraction in the quantum world and all of that but a lot of times if you find yourself you think about a certain thing you get really definite in that it's amazing how those things kind of show up in your life for example i was doing just some piece meal research on epi genetics and in learning about this then all of a sudden i came across a gentleman

adrian_starks (18:27.818)

julian (18:39.4)
who had a whole curriculum set up to learn about it so i could just easily learn how to read genetic reports and provide it for people i was just thinking about this and over time it came now to certain kind of people this sounds a little coo but i've seen it too many times though where you visualized a certain thing over and over and that thing comes to fruition

adrian_starks (18:46.978)

adrian_starks (19:03.938)
let's talk about epigenetic because you brought that word up a couple of times now for the audience because i'm pertly sure there's gonna be some people saying what is that and epigenetics is one of those newer terms that a surfacing more and more now it's been around for a while but i think there's becoming more of a an understanding for a lot of people in the health world the first time i heard about it was through dr joe de spence and one of his books i think it as called breaking the habit of being yourself and there was another one called being super

julian (19:06.06)

julian (19:21.3)

julian (19:26.06)

adrian_starks (19:33.758)
human being uncommon something of that sort i may be off in that title but i got kind of close so he talked about epigenic and that so what is exactly epigenetics and how does this play a role in anoptimal health possibly

julian (19:36.66)
yeah yeah

julian (19:45.36)
yeah so yeah so epi genetics when you hear the word epi that means above genetics is the gens so put those two together this is above the gene so the gens that we have are firm they're set they're not going to change but the way those genes are going to be expressed that is the key that is what can be modified by the way we live a couple examples that i can share here is that you have the hard the hardware and the software the software is going to put into the hardware

the quality of that software is determining the quality of that hardware so translate this to assume the quality of food that we eat the type of food that we eat the way that we exercise the air that we breathe the relationships that we have the fulfillment and work that we have all of these different things that we do on a daily basis and interact with the environment a dynamic force that's communicating with us on a cellar level on gens to turn on turn off experese and not express you know i love the

adrian_starks (20:44.398)

julian (20:45.26)
the queen bee story so why does he queen bee become a queen bee and you have all these worker bees at the very beginning they fed the fred all royal jelly but at some point everyone's cut off except one and they're continually fed that royal jelly and that is how the queen bee becomes the queen bee and everyone else is just the worker bees is that royal jelly so it's why you see identical twins that should have the same set gens but one eats maybe a little too much process foods doesn't maybe smokes maybe it doesn't take care

body a lot the other one takes care of the body a lot and they're going to have totally different outcomes even though they have similar gens and so now how you can think about that is that our genes are nothing we're not our gens our genes are not our destiny used to hear of my family a lot i got big bones gens got big bones gens you know we run heavy and this family you know things like that right and and we're not our gens are not our destiny our gens

adrian_starks (21:23.858)

adrian_starks (21:36.718)
yeah yeah

julian (21:45.82)
clues to who who we are where we came from in the past but not who we could be in the future you know because this moment right now is really just a collection of events from the past but the future is still undetermined unknown that can be created by what we do in this environ right now and that is the epigenetic component and so to tie generational health with that is that a lot of times i'm not just eating for myself and say when i get a wife she's not just eating for herself

adrian_starks (21:50.878)

julian (22:15.68)
because what we do how we eat is going to the herman and effect a couple of generations after us in terms of their gins and their expressions you know there was a dutch famine back in thirties or forties i always forget the year and two or three generations later they have higher propensities for certain elements because of that event in the dutch famine so that's why like it you know what we do may may seem in

adrian_starks (22:25.938)

that is powerful

julian (22:45.2)
if i can a lot of times but if you think about it you really get grand out there there's a lot of people who can be

benefited by us taken you know pro active empowering action today we can we can change the course of time literally with people to come after us

adrian_starks (23:07.018)
the idea the gens himself being expressed or even influenced by what we eat our environment how we associate is absolutely powerful and you're right for a lot of people it may seem a bit on the higher end of woo because they don't understand it or they haven't been taught that we've been taught like you said everything is pretty much set in stone and that is so not true so with this optima health perspective is that at any point in our lives we can actually shift how we how

julian (23:13.54)

julian (23:26.82)

adrian_starks (23:36.938)
much longer we can live and how we live through that process by the idea of looking at our bodies and internally certain ways which brings me to what you're doing th executives now so let's go into how you're helping with this generational health and that's i love that phrase by the way because we talk about generational wealth a lot and here is a problem with money and people making money out here in the world and doing great things money is just it's currency if you drive it back it's

it's energy the problems that money's become one of our master and not our servant and so we're putting all this effort on money itself and we're not taking care of ourselves and so when you re phrase it you say generational health we're investing back into ourselves and into our future for our generations to come what do you think right now the future of health looks like for people that are interested in working with you

julian (24:16.58)

julian (24:36.96)

adrian_starks (24:36.978)
and learning more about this what does it look like for the future because right now we see everything on t v we see people that on the outside they're not talking much about the inside we have farmersitical companies we have supplement companies they're all going at it and it's like this big industry of who's better who can do what what does the future look like for us

julian (24:47.34)

julian (24:55.4)
m yeah it's it's a um you know a lot of the things that i have access to now and that i use for people and you myself sometimes they're they're not available to a lot of the people in the general public and there's a lot of red tape and you know you you're competing with like you said the farman suit industries you're competing with insurance companies you're competing with a lot of people that don't want certain things to be there so

i think a big picture down the road i see the world actually i see a lot of these things becoming more commercially available because with any sort of technology the first adoptors it's always much more and in over time comes it becomes more of a mass market readily available to everyone it's kind of like the iphones and all that thing at the very very beginning time and computers and so m

i think it's precision and that's the word i use is precision really tuning in to each person's unique make up even in the medical system whereas individual goes into a hospital and i have a certain element instead of being prescribed a standard dose of whatever medication they're able to get a more precise working of this person can give him

the precise amount and the reason why i say this because we have certain gens so for example myself i don't metapolize alcohol fast i'm a slow metapolizer with alcohol with cafmen and different medication you beaus they all go to deliver and so i'm going to be different in terms of my alcohol consumption if i'm just using alcohol or even different medications because it's not going to leave my system as readily as some one that else and so those things are benefited

adrian_starks (26:52.118)
h m

julian (26:54.28)
i hope these are just what i hope on a on a grand level in hospitals that you know that's just one example um i hope people can also really learn their bodies more we have all this we have the phones now we have the apple watches and they give you basic vitals and you know like for example to wear but i have on right now m i got sick maybe maybe a year ago and a couple of days beforehand

heart rate was up a little more my recipitorirate was up a little more and my r v was down more than it typically is and i was like that's weird the next day it was the same thing i was like okay i think i'm coming down with something and so i had pretty much seventy two to ninety six hours head start to get ahead of of my illness so therefore when it came my my time down was dramatically cut short because i took preventative measures

adrian_starks (27:54.238)

julian (27:54.34)
and that's the hope i have for the world that's you know when when you say optima health it's a big part of it is resiliency it's not shying away never expecting to get sick and never expecting to any cuts and bruises it's about how quick it's about how quick can you bounce back how quick can you get back on the playing field and that's when you take a more that's when you take a more preventative approach an a reactive approach we live in a very reactive society now a lot of times we don't take action until we actually

adrian_starks (28:06.378)

adrian_starks (28:11.218)
m like that

julian (28:24.44)
feel the problem it's not beforehand it's oh i feel this thing okay now i should do something about it well let's us get it beforehand and so you never even have to think about it one of one of the best ways to know if you're you're doing things really right is that you you very rarely have any issues like it's just it's almost boring like it's cold season okay cool you know cool i mean you get

adrian_starks (28:37.978)

adrian_starks (28:46.318)
um m

julian (28:54.02)
little sniffle dar goes away like a day or two right it's not like it keeps me down for ten days right and so it's those little small movements you know so to show to some that whole thing up it's i hope the world embraces m becomes much more preventative instead of reactive and also in terms of main stream i think in funding researching everything i think if they so the medical societies and everything they start to recognize

adrian_starks (28:56.038)


julian (29:24.)
aging as a disease then you can get more funding and everything because right now it's not recognized as a disease to my understanding and yeah so if you recognize aging as a disease then that changes the whole thing you can get more funding you get more initiative because there's a lot of things in the works but yeah there's a lot of things in the works right now but there's no money to be made in it so a lot of the bigger entities are not going to are not going to work into it like there's

adrian_starks (29:26.778)

adrian_starks (29:30.978)

agin as a disease

adrian_starks (29:37.938)
he didn't get more fun in

adrian_starks (29:42.438)
wow interesting

adrian_starks (29:50.698)
don't invest

julian (29:54.06)
cool molicleis called peptites but the farmer sutocolcompanies cannot really take these things and massively distribute them so you know we their competitor and that's why you have to say um you have all these crazy labels like not intending for human consumption and all that stuff that scares people off right i mean which hit what you do and that and that kind of stuff you got to really know the compound and lap with that or where you're geting it front right i will say in that instance but m you know those are just some of the thing

adrian_starks (30:11.018)
um m m

julian (30:24.16)
but yeah it's mainly preventative over reactive and probably to help the world recognize the aging is a disease and to give aging a re brand

adrian_starks (30:34.838)
interesting aging that's the phrase of the show right there giving aging a re brand i think that's the way of the future right now i love that you should use as a tack line man because that is that is powerful that hit me right there so speaking of aging in life spans i know that you work with a particular type of group of people in businesses that are in high stress environment and man we're talking chronic stresses going on around the clock and you're helping them to to learn how to manage their health by using

these types of new technologies that you have just been talking about but for the people listening today from any walk of life but if you are an executive if you are a co if you are a person that's in a very high stressed environment and you're running a lot of things at once i'm going to put julian's information in the show note o this podcast links of how to reach out to him i would love for you to find out more about what he's doing and even get a chance to talk to him if you can but for now what are a few steps we can take we all can take to him

julian (31:33.94)

adrian_starks (31:34.198)
prove our health span and life span on this planet

julian (31:38.2)
yeah most of the stuff that i use s actually available for the general public m yeah most of it is available for the general public now probably the benefit i provide is that it's all in house so it's like a contier service so i have it all and i go to order it all and take care of it all now one of the first things you can do is to go get some go get like go get your blood work this go get your

adrian_starks (31:43.538)

julian (32:08.18)
go get your numbers right now even if you're healthy you're super healthy right now and the reason why i say that because then you're going to know your base line of where you are at this point in time so you have something to keep track of and you know one of the things it's interestin an i say this because you know men in particular is that you know there's a fertility crisis and i just had a conversation with the lady that's why it's on top of my head and like

adrian_starks (32:33.638)
still the cute lady that you were talking to earlier is that the cute one that ou were talking to this is a different one

julian (32:37.5)
no no no the cue lady now she no the cute lady ten years ago i think she was what was she she was

you know i don't remember what her job was i was just so enamored with a with like yeah

adrian_starks (32:52.278)
had to throw that in there i just messin with you had to throw that it's ike was that the cute lady you were talking about early okay sorry about that let's get back to this here so the person that you were talking to about the fertility

julian (32:56.48)

julian (33:03.)
yeah it was drshanswanyeah i just interviewed her a few episodes ago but anyway minced testoctheir own levels are the quality of permis like have right now of what generations where previous generations like our grandfather and stuff yeah it's still it's still to be determined but you know a lot of things like the environment like you know different plastics now m vallat

adrian_starks (33:07.758)

adrian_starks (33:20.498)
who why is that what is going on

julian (33:33.96)
a bunch of other stuff right and i was like who i was like who because a lot of times now this is kind of a side tension a lot of times when you hear fertility you think it's just you think it's just women but but sometimes but sometimes as well it can be men as well because so basically both men and women are kind of under attacked from the modern world you know so with some of these conveniences and the way things are made now the way they're manufacture and produced it's kind of detrimental to our

real health and everything and so that's why i said to get a base line and then when you see your number a lot of times one of the grapes have have about a few of these values in the standard medical system is that the kind of group everyone together like you're grouped against a average unhealthy population so not necessarily optima so like what's optimal test just what's average what's optimal you know inslenglue coast and one not just what's average or standard

that's that's a whole another conversation but everyone can you know they can get a basic work up with their insurance most likely maybe you have to pay a little more out of pocket if you want extra stuff include it because different insurances is insurance is very confusing field it's very confusing and so so that's one thing right there is to start building your foundation so now your labs um if you want and then if you another thing is i

adrian_starks (34:53.298)

adrian_starks (34:58.618)

julian (35:02.88)
i really like different i like wearables really like wearables you know so whether it's like an apple like an apple watch or garment or a whoop or bio strap i like those things if your type it be a little be don't let it i'm a ittle tight but don't don't let the technology control you just because your watch says you're having a bad day or you're not recovered don't don't just let that ruin your day you know please there's no absolute so that's one thing but i like it because

what it does is it teaches you certain behaviors for an example um a lot of people i consult with and talk to sometimes even myself a little stubborn and they have an ego which is cool so me telling them you problydon't want to drink alcohol too close to bedtime but i sleep well i sleep like a baby okay and so you get you warble out and you can see the breakdown of sleep and what you see in this person is they had like eight hours of sleep sure but

adrian_starks (35:47.118)

adrian_starks (35:54.418)
m m

julian (36:03.06)
they had very little rim sleep very little deep sleep they had mostly light sleep and there were they woke up and they had so many awakenings their r v is not good heart rates up the next morning but they were sleeping because so there's a difference that's junk food sleep in my opinion you know eight hours is eight hours but what's the quality of those eight hours and so things like wearables teaches us that okay certain behaviors i do helps me get this more restorative sleep more of this deep sleep more of this

adrian_starks (36:19.778)

julian (36:32.86)
going beneficial sleep in my rim sleep and so i'm retaining information also so if i'm a business i'm a business leader or i'm a content creator or even if i'm just trying to be the best spouse possible when i get more deep int rim sleep my emotional intelligence is higher because you can look at different brain scans and what you're going to see is that people who sleep deprived they're going to have higher activity in their emicdala which is a primitive emotional driven state and they're goin to have less activity going

adrian_starks (36:54.078)

julian (37:02.86)
and they're prefrontoncars cortex which is more of the rational logic and reasoning so not only when you you know just just a example of sleep that you know when you're getting quality sleep your relationships are going to improve your gonna be a better leader husband's else father go across the board with those things and that's why i like that sometimes because it doesn't have a bias a lot of times when i tell so want to do something you tell us to one to do something we're all little kids i don't like being told what to do

adrian_starks (37:27.478)

adrian_starks (37:32.518)

julian (37:33.74)
if you tell me what to do i'm roby gonna do the opposite you know just yeah just just just just just to be petty and out of spite that's just who i am you know so when you have this third party and you can say okay this is kind of what is showing let's see what happens and then you have the labs as well so what you're doing is you're collecting all this data you're presenting a story and then you can go from there and so what you're taking you're being more precise so you're being more

adrian_starks (37:37.178)
that's pretty much

adrian_starks (37:43.978)

julian (38:02.92)
and more effective you're geting more of your time back to go enjoy life and you know um because too many times we we waste our time with all these supplements some of these supplements we don't need for our genetics compared to others and oh i guess that should mention another thing is probably genetic testing is pretty cool too i think that's a beneficial thing as well you know there's different companies out there i don't like to don't i don't name companies just because i like to say neutral

and i don't use any of them i use a more private one but yeah i'll leave it with that that's a good one as well so anything anything that you can do to kind of get a blue print to who you are watch your lap numbers right now and then then once you have that basic foundation then you can maybe if you want to you can specialize that and more interesting in performance or my interested in us

adrian_starks (38:33.298)

adrian_starks (38:42.578)
genetic testing okay

julian (39:02.88)
general health and my interested in i really need to work on my sleep or i need to really work on my weight loss and things like that then you can do a little more specialized and and targeted approach just so you don't feel overwhelmed because there's a lot of stuff out there i mean there's a lot of stuff and there's there's new stuff there's new stuff every day right it's hard for me to keep up with because some yeah there's new stuff every day like there's you know now there's tests for like oralmicrobium

adrian_starks (39:20.578)
a lot of it there's a lot of it and this yeah

yeah it's new stuff

julian (39:33.16)
so you can take a test and get your old microvium you know there's there's there's so many different things and so i think for people to not get overwhelmed with everything that's coming is just to take a systematic approach and just kind of go brick by brick

adrian_starks (39:48.718)
i like that go brick brick brick and build a foundation for us see where you're at you can have a comparison to her you need to go later i love also to how you talked about people are different so if you're on some type of supplements which i take supplements we're not saying or you're not saying that oh supplements are no good what you're saying is that look take this test you see where you're at your body may not require this much of this supplement your body may not require this type of supplement anymore and that's where

julian (39:52.84)

julian (40:05.08)

adrian_starks (40:19.518)
the future of this is going of knowing what we can take in our bodies because our bodies are all different and it's really important because i think people just assume that just because someone says this and im not gonna i'm gonna say this too i don't put names out there because i want to be neutral and respectful of businesses but there's so much competition for who has the best and so a lot of these companies have the labels they have things that attract people and then people are confused like which one do i choose which one do i grab and most

julian (40:40.5)

adrian_starks (40:48.558)
likely they grab the wrong one or someone just sells it to them becase there just trying to sell it or two they don't grab anything because they don't know how to make a decision so the decision today what julian is telling us is let's take a look at your health first let's get that going let's take some steps these basic steps here because optima health as you mentioned before is not about being perfect and never catching a cold it's about how do you bounce back if you do catch a cold like right now i'm not concerned about colds or anything else going going because

julian (40:53.64)

julian (41:14.5)
uh yeah

adrian_starks (41:19.118)
i trust my body at the same time i understand my body is not perfect so you have inspired me today to go get a damn blood test done to see where i'm at because i haven't done that in a while so i want to do that so thank you for that information let's get into now the the performance piece of this so we're in this perspective of taking care of ourselves creating generational health for our people out here that are like you and i type of personalities were all about all right let's do this

julian (41:20.5)

julian (41:48.4)
uh h

adrian_starks (41:48.718)
action what's the result what's going to happen so what's the success paradox and how does this affect our health and relationship let's talk about that a little bit what's what's that about

julian (42:00.22)
yeah so you know a lot of times people can say man i can't believe how does this guy how this got out of shape and he's so smart and so capable like how does he struggle with like his health or his weight or something and a lot of times people will like to say there's two different types of people first of all i say there's people that are couched potatoes they need to get they need to get motivated they just get some activity in i usually don't run across those people that much have friends they're very good at that i don't usually

adrian_starks (42:25.718)

julian (42:30.1)
that usually my people and what i'm talking about here these people is unintentionally neglected because when you think about success success can be more monetary success mean more business success more responsibilities so as you continually grow up more and more in the latter quote quote corporate or with your business you have more responsibilities now you're in more demand now you still have a personal life a lot of times that's demanding of you as well that you still

attend to so if you think about all these things that has your attention right now what unintentionally gets left off is your very own personal well being because a lot of times these people are very giving very benevolent serving individuals and also nobody really wants to go back to the roman noodle stage you know you know you don't want a shoulder stake after having a nice rib you just don't want to do that i had a lot of shoulder stake in college you know and not

adrian_starks (43:23.938)

adrian_starks (43:27.818)
m m

julian (43:30.08)
so a lot of yeahsholdshoulder stake shoulder stake there little star kids tunupackets and so i can't look at tunipa i can't eat yea i can i can't i can't eat chick i really can't eat chicken be till right now i'm just but anyway you know we have that so you have these people where they don't want to go back to day one because it was painful in day one so there's pressure there

adrian_starks (43:32.018)
i don't even know what i was eating in college

adrian_starks (43:40.858)
that i remember and the roman noodles

adrian_starks (43:47.818)

julian (44:00.2)
all these things going on in their business life in personal life so there is paradox with more success and everything comes you know sometimes without structure and actually awareness your health is getting put on the back burner because you're constantly on the go you know you're grabbing foods out of convenience a lot of times a lot and especially you know i can speak to america at least that things that are convenient in america a lot of times are not probably the best for you you know with the food and everything

and so you have that going for you then you got stress stress is always there stress is a good thing but a lot of times for these people it's it's not mitigated not under control so it stresses running well there's no way take care of that so you have all these things in the background that is affecting these people so it's not even just a mental issue it's not even a physical issue an emotional issue as well and sometimes it's even a spiritual issue as well as to because sometimes these people you know

they just wanted to get the back they just wanted to get the money however possible and so there's no purpose of joining her and so once they get that that amount of money that they wanted like this is this is this this is an feel like what what i wanted it to feel like so you have all these different things and so that's why i you know another thing to keep in mind is that it's a system we have to look at our health as a system you know optima health is inside out kind of as we talked about already but look at this all

adrian_starks (45:10.938)
what's next

julian (45:30.16)
a giant eco system that's all connected to each other you know for me personally the physical end was always ten out of ten always good for me a lot of times but what i did i neglected a lot of the mental and the emotional components as well and you can only run away from things so long until they come back and get you and the more you avoid it the more you kind of don't take care of the bigger problem that it becomes and that's what a lot of these guys with a lot of people a lot of time

is that once i make the money once once once i get this position once i get this position and move up i'm gonna start working out more i'll go i'll go get a trainer then i'll start working when i get more money right and so these people realize that it's like a paradox i spent maybe let's say i spent a decade working my but off my business is finally where it's ned i can hire people and everything it's ten years in but now my health is not an i'm free to die

or like i just don't have the energy i once have you know i use the word edge a lot of people say i don't have my edge and so and now they that money that they work so hard for they're actually paying it back to try to get the health back you know so so that's that's kind of the thing to keep in mind is that to really treat your health and run it run your body like a business because and what you'll see is that when you're healthier you're thinking

adrian_starks (46:38.278)

adrian_starks (46:44.798)
they are

julian (47:00.14)
but you're actually more efficient in your business in your company and so it's going to pay off it just seems like i don't have time to go for this forty five minute run i need to i don't know make more calls or something what's the quality of those calls what's the quality of the writing that you're going a d during this forty five minutes whereas if i went to go run and then come back and attack this project i'm going to be thinking a lot clearer because i probably have run some stress off you know or run some demons

whatever you want to call it i'm more of the fighter so a lot of times i'm fighting i'm fighting demons or something that i'm not there's some people who find like joy and it's all sunshine and butterflies when they're working out i'm not really that type and so you know

adrian_starks (47:35.598)
h m

adrian_starks (47:40.398)
yeah you killed me that when we're working out you get a whole different person

julian (47:47.)
yeah yeah you get a whole different person absolutely and so you know so those things it's really to to you know thank you for your company legititellegitimate like unfortunate think you're your body like unfortunate five hundred company and really approach it that way you know some of some of the tips you know to help with that is like in a company a lot of times you see them delegate so how can you delegate to help improve your health and for certain people breakfast is usually pretty good because they're in control of that day

adrian_starks (47:50.618)
m hm

julian (48:17.1)
but it's the middle portion of the day where sometimes you have unexpected calls or you have calls back to back to back to back to back and you're just grabbing something for quick energy and for some quick energy so maybe use one of these mail delivery services in your city probably check with your cities first then using one that are more national because i don't know i don't know about like mail delivery services that ship everywhere in the us all of that and i don't know about the quality i rather support local first and foremost

but if you have to you can try one of those but yeah that's just me try the local ones first you know support local businesses but anyway maybe you get mail delivery monday through friday because you know that and then therefore you're going to have this meal that's going to keep you on track you can eat it quickly or whatever take thirty minutes or whatever you're still on track and you can get back to it instead of having to just grab some junk and hear your goals away or have a sugar crash later on the day so it's little things

adrian_starks (48:48.018)
local is good

julian (49:16.84)
that what can i do to keep myself on the straight and narrow while going with this because a lot of times with a lot of times there's there's a fight between fitness and health and my personal life and business life and we need to think about how can we energistically have these two married together

adrian_starks (49:33.958)

adrian_starks (49:39.638)
i like that what a great strategy and a great way of helping us to really turn the around wen it comes to inside out because success like you said it's a paradox with it and a lot of people are chasing it i saw this just reminded me years ago i saw this gentleman walking down the sidewalk in seattle that's where i'm from and he had this shirt on called on the shirt it said chasing great chasing success and i thought about it for a second i'm like is that really what you want

do chase it you know pursue it because that's what gets us in trouble that constant need to try to catch up with something

julian (50:10.86)
yeah you know

julian (50:15.14)

julian (50:19.62)
yeah and don't know i've been reading some of the i guess the woooobooks lightly and things like that and um if you're always chase yeah if you're always chasing something it seems like what you're indicating to the university that you like something if you're always chasing it because that's the that's the feeling that you're always going to is chasing it whereas maybe maybe it's yeah maybe it's more like i'm going to live this already you know so like because i think about this like from a white perspective hear people say um

adrian_starks (50:26.318)
books are good

adrian_starks (50:40.418)
attracting it instead


julian (50:49.68)
i'm chasing these twenty pounds off where i got worth these twenty pounds off but they're always having friction and everything so i'm like what if you thought about this from the opposite what if you thought about this let's say you're a person who's twenty pounds lighter right now you know what does that person do on a daily basis you know how does this person move you know what does this person eat what how does he think how does he schedule his day what did they do and think like that so

go ahead and live as you're that person twenty pounds lighter and then you're goin to get that result and that's kind of just been a lesson for me is that a lot of times as we want to wait and get the validation externally before we become something whereas going back to count of the prime one of the big things we talked about inside all is that we have to become an inside before it's going to materialize and manifest on the outside so you become the person that's twenty pounds lighter in much better shape you become that person

adrian_starks (51:48.978)

julian (51:49.4)
is by embodying those habits and then that result is going to catch up because time time just has to catch up your already of this person and you're just waiting for time to catch up now

adrian_starks (52:00.138)
just reminded me of earl nightingale he was one of the considered to be the dean of of self motivation and he talked a lot about we become what we think about and he did years of research on this process and here's a lot of indeptness to it other than just a phrase but you just reminded me of that here and you say this process of what do we want to be to visualize and think about it and act as if we were already that person because that person will come to be by nature's law it has to work that way

julian (52:03.5)

julian (52:08.7)

adrian_starks (52:29.178)
and speaking of work how can our audience reach out to you to learn more about what you're doing and to work with you and to even take on some program that you have going on

julian (52:42.88)
yeah so website is executive health dot i o and if you want to you can just email meet jewel ing at executive health o o and i always sit down with i guess well if you're the national here we can meet in person but other than that we can have a phone call or or something on the internet where for thirty minutes we just talk about everything and kind of set plan up for there and sometimes it's all people need and that's it you you know

adrian_starks (52:55.318)
m hm

adrian_starks (53:11.278)

julian (53:12.86)
we go from there and if they want to continue working we'll set something up but while you're listening to this great podcast go ahead and subscribe to executive health and life or if you're on youtube watching us go ahead and subscribe to executive health

adrian_starks (53:25.718)
yes do that go and do it right now don't wait until tomorrow remember julian said action do it now not later

julian (53:34.38)
yeah like like paul what is t is a rocky three or four paul polaplocret is training rocky and rockies like tomar tomar tomar yeah

adrian_starks (53:39.218)
oh yeah

adrian_starks (53:45.938)
is no too

adrian_starks (53:50.018)
i got a watch that movie again you just revere something there well okay so speaking of this now we having some fun here speaking of this outside of work so you're obviously you're you're you have a way of balancing your life too so you do practice what you preach because you tell us to have this sense of optima health is just not looking the part it is feeling the part it's inside out so you do reading yeah yeah so you do reading you you check out cool restaurants and you know lounges you listen to music stop

julian (53:50.2)

julian (54:11.78)
yeah we're getting there yeah

adrian_starks (54:19.738)
like and you're learning languages so i don't know right now what languages are you learning currently

julian (54:24.58)
as long as i don't have to practice them it's a it's a portuguese or brazilian portuguese and spanish

adrian_starks (54:27.418)
yeah okay

okay cool i'm learning right now italian

julian (54:35.76)
okay so we're in the roganist languages

adrian_starks (54:37.698)
we had the romance language is yeah definitely and i want to learn some spanish to what books are you what book are you currently reading right now what's on your list

julian (54:46.86)
let's see what's lessee if i have anything around here well i have one book over here it's only the parnort survive it's a it's a business book and i just got done reading actually let me see here i'm reading another book called winners and it's written by tony blair's press secretary or something like that and so he just high lighting different people and health book is i'm reading it

adrian_starks (54:54.118)

adrian_starks (55:11.458)

julian (55:16.52)
book on petite i'm reading a book on peptites and i'm listening to i have a couple books that i cycle through so that's why i'm naming to and i'm listening to the fiftieth law again by robert robert green if i really like that book it's a i like that book because it gets me an attack mode so like there's like a new venture that i'm thinking about right now and i need to get some boots on the ground and i need to you know think like fifty cents

adrian_starks (55:25.718)

adrian_starks (55:30.318)
robert green

adrian_starks (55:44.278)

julian (55:46.52)
right now without the shooting and one of that activity so yea no violence i'll love here and so and so yeah so those are a couple of books and then yeah those are just a couple right now that i'm reading and then i want to get back into selcadancing and it's really fun it gets me out of my element because i am a introvert and i had to really teach myself how to be more extraverted and be

adrian_starks (55:47.918)
yeah yeah without the violence i love her

adrian_starks (55:55.958)
oh man

julian (56:16.52)
comfortable talking to people and camera and everything and so it's u and that was one of the earliest parts of my journey when and that helped my mental health as well so i got that i was in therapy and she's like you should go like i kept mentioning like dancing or something and i was like okay i'll go try that and you meet people and it's been s been a lot of lessons it's a pretty good workout too pretty good workout

adrian_starks (56:42.538)
well i believe that you are doing a fantastic job you know introvert aside what you are doing is honorable it's brave it's one of those things where you're helping to save people's energy and help prolong their lives so they can perform better on the planet and like we mentioned before your middle name now i'm going to call you that man that's what i'm going to call you from now on and speaking of that julian the bad man is the second i have one last

julian (57:04.5)

adrian_starks (57:12.398)
question for you that i ask all my guests here on this podcast what does living a purpose whole life mean to you

julian (57:23.34)
growth and fulfilment

adrian_starks (57:27.018)

adrian_starks (57:30.518)
growth and fulfillment that is what it's about today has been special brother i really appreciate you talking to us about the power of living longer and that is your your purpose is to create a world where people can live longer live to be one hundred and be highly functional at older ages and i appreciate what you're bringing energetically to not just this podcast but the platform of this playing field called life you've been absolutely wonderful julian

julian (57:32.12)

julian (57:58.64)
appreciate it man this has been a very enjoyable conversation is a great way to start my day i will i will say that

adrian_starks (58:05.558)
awesome we have a wonderful day man 

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